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Catalyst can send webhooks to other systems. This can be used to trigger actions in other systems and create automated workflows.


Admin webhooks are deprecated. Use reactions instead.


Webhooks can be configured in the admin interface, in the webhooks collection. The webhook record in the following example sends create, update, and delete events for tickets to http://localhost:8080/webhook.

Webhook configuration

Example events

create event by a user

The following example shows a create event for a ticket by a non-admin user:

"action": "create",
"collection": "tickets",
"record": {
"collectionId": "tickets",
"collectionName": "tickets",
"created": "2024-07-07 01:31:02.110Z",
"description": "",
"id": "a0152zdnfzgow4z",
"name": "test",
"open": true,
"updated": "2024-07-07 01:31:02.110Z"
"auth": {
"avatar": "",
"collectionId": "_pb_users_auth_",
"collectionName": "users",
"created": "2024-07-07 01:29:57.912Z",
"emailVisibility": false,
"id": "u_test",
"name": "Alivia Cartwright",
"updated": "2024-07-07 01:29:57.912Z",
"username": "u_test",
"verified": true

update event by an admin

Example of a update event, created by an admin user:

"action": "update",
"collection": "tickets",
"record": {
"collectionId": "tickets",
"collectionName": "tickets",
"created": "2024-07-07 00:15:57.007Z",
"description": "",
"id": "tp0tppxc18slt9a",
"name": "my ticket",
"open": true,
"updated": "2024-07-07 00:15:57.007Z"
"admin": {
"id": "k72zfucb9kqmjyx",
"created": "2024-07-06 23:48:03.137Z",
"updated": "2024-07-06 23:48:03.137Z",
"avatar": 0,
"email": ""