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Collection Hook

A collection hook is a trigger that is executed when a record in a collection is created, updated, or deleted. Collections are Tickets, Tasks, Comments, Timeline, Links, and Files. You can add multiple collections and events to a collection hook.


Event Format

Collection hooks pass a json event to the action.

The following is an example of a create event for a ticket by a non-admin user:

"action": "create",
"collection": "tickets",
"record": {
"collectionId": "tickets",
"collectionName": "tickets",
"created": "2024-07-07 01:31:02.110Z",
"description": "",
"id": "a0152zdnfzgow4z",
"name": "test",
"open": true,
"updated": "2024-07-07 01:31:02.110Z"
"auth": {
"avatar": "",
"collectionId": "_pb_users_auth_",
"collectionName": "users",
"created": "2024-07-07 01:29:57.912Z",
"emailVisibility": false,
"id": "u_test",
"name": "Alivia Cartwright",
"updated": "2024-07-07 01:29:57.912Z",
"username": "u_test",
"verified": true

The following is an example of an update event for a ticket by an admin user:

"action": "update",
"collection": "tickets",
"record": {
"collectionId": "tickets",
"collectionName": "tickets",
"created": "2024-07-07 00:15:57.007Z",
"description": "",
"id": "tp0tppxc18slt9a",
"name": "my ticket",
"open": true,
"updated": "2024-07-07 00:15:57.007Z"
"admin": {
"id": "k72zfucb9kqmjyx",
"created": "2024-07-06 23:48:03.137Z",
"updated": "2024-07-06 23:48:03.137Z",
"username": "admin"